Prepare the support surfaces as indicated in the technical data sheets of the liquid waterproofing products that will impregnate ARMA TNT.
Prepare the rolls according to the surface to be treated. For specific applications it is possible to easily cut and shape the product with scissors, blade or cutter.
Apply the chosen waterproofing product in the indicated and recommended thickness on the area to be treated, then lay ARMA TNT by compressing it with a metal bubble-breaking roller, a trowel or a smooth spatula, checking that the non-woven fabric is completely embedded in the membrane and ensuring perfect wetting.
Wait for the first layer of applied product to dry completely, then proceed with the application of the second uniform coat to completely cover the ARMA TNT non-woven fabric. The overlaps of the fabric at the connection points in the longitudinal and transversal direction must be carried out by making an overlap between the sheets of no less than 5 cm. In case of rain between the application of the first and second coat, allow the non-woven fabric to dry completely before applying the second layer.
ARMABAND TNT can be advantageously used in the overlaps between the wall and the floor or in critical points.
Extension break lateral
EDANA 20.2-89
Unit weight
EN ISO 9864
EDANA 20.2-89
EDANA 20.2-89
Extension break longitudinal
EDANA 20.2-89
Resistance to longitudinal and transverse tearing
EDANA 70.4-99
Approximately 1.1 m2 for every m2 of surface to be covered.