Osmocem Flex is certified for compatibility with contact and containment of drinking water and food substances (certificate n. 04/2010 of the Laboratorio Analysis Service di Settimo di Pescantina - VR). Two-component professional product. Proportioning of component A + component B specially designed to give the installer certainty of the result and guarantee of impeccable work: the tank of component B (8 kg) contains slightly more compared to the quantity necessary for mixing the bag (24 kg), allowing the installer, before laying the product, to withdraw from the tank up to 1 lt of the special resin of component B, dilute with 1 lt of water and use this aqueous emulsion to prime the application support; in this way at least three extraordinarily effective operations are performed with a simple and rapid priming: a) expulsion of the air from the superficial porosity _fillers (with drastic reduction of the well-known blisters that occur on low thickness elastic products); b) reduction of the support absorption (to guarantee a suitable setting of the waterproof finish); c) increase in adhesion thanks to the deep penetration of the polymeric component.
Moisture-proofing concrete containment works (tubs, swimming pools, pipes, ducts, areas containing food, etc.). Moisture-proofing balconies, terraces, bathrooms, showers, etc., prior to laying successive plasters and screeds, ceramic coatings provided they are sufficiently porous and absorbent and free from any waterproofing and / or water-repellent surface treatment, whether chemical (siloxanes, epoxies, polyurethanes, etc.) or natural (wax-up). Waterproofing coating of earth-retaining masonry, micro-cracked plaster. Deformable finishing coats in general.
The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and inconsistent parts, dust, water-repellent treatments in general, etc., slightly roughened with a suitable preparation method (degree of roughening > 2mm, or >= 3 on the ICRI Scale - International Concrete Repair Institute). Particularly dry supports should be slightly moistened with water. It is always advisable to prime the application support with approximately 100-150 g/m2 of COMPONENT B adhesive latex in order to facilitate the expulsion of air from the surface porosity (pore stopper), reduce the absorption of the support and increase adhesion to the support. For applications on plasterboard, first apply a coat of Bond Plus as a primer. In the case of large covering surfaces on flat roofs or terraces soaked in water, it is necessary to provide suitably located steam vent "chimneys". Do not apply on supports with water leaks or any form of moving water, which must be previously blocked and remedied to prevent the product from washing away during the hardening and setting phase.
Osmocem Flex comes in two predosed components that must be thoroughly mixed, with mixers with a low number of revolutions (maximum. 300 Revs/minute) until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The addition of other ingredients should be absolutely avoided. The tank of component B (8 kg) contains slightly more compared to the quantity necessary for mixing the bag (24 kg), allowing the installer, before laying the product, to withdraw from the tank up to 1 lt of the special resin of component B, dilute with 1 lt of water and use this aqueous emulsion to prime the application support (see also the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section). In case of exceptionally arid climate, it is possible to make moderate consistency corrections, where necessary, adding water up to a maximum of 8%. When waterproofing terraces and balconies, two coats, each about 1.5 mm thick (2.2 kg/m² per coat), of Osmocem Flex should be applied, each coat should be applied when the previous one looks stable (at least 4 hours later at 20°C). It is recommended to interpose the fibreglass alkaline-resistant mesh Armaglass 160 in the thickness of Osmocem Flex, between the first and second coat. The self-adhesive butyl band Proband should also be placed between the floor screeds and the elevation walls. Finally, it is advisable to place the special elastic band Elastotex 120 or Elastotex 120 Cloth, at any expansion joints, securing it with the same Osmocem Flex.
Degree of water vapor transmission
EN ISO 7783-1
Mixing ratio of the components
+5ยฐ C EN 1062-7
UNI EN 1015-6
EN 1542
Capillary absorption
UNI EN 13057
Dynamic crack bridging
+5ยฐ C EN 1062-7
Bridging capacity on wide cracks
Permeability to CO2
EN 1062-6
Bonding force
UNI EN 1015-12
EN 1062-3
Longitudinal elongation at break
DIN 53504
Total recycled content
UNI PdR 88:2020
Permeability to water vapor
Sd EN ISO 7783-1
Approximately 1.8 kg/m² of Osmocem Flex for each millimetre of thickness to be made.
Do not use Osmocem Flex on strongly degraded or non-adhering supports , since it would reduce the waterproofing quality. Do not apply on little or non-porous substrates or previously coated with water-repellent treatments in general, if not after appropriate roughening by bush hammers, sanders and equipment suitable for preparatory treatments of substrates, or after appropriate treatment with suitable polymeric primers.
The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.