It can be used where widespread structural and three-dimensional reinforcement of the conglomerate is required. It is particularly indicated in structural applications and in severe operating conditions (after static-structural calculation). The main applications, to name a few, are projected concretes (spritz-beton, shotcrete, shotcrete), mass concrete, base slabs and underpinning, structural slabs, medium and large prefabrication, etc.
In the case of prefabrication or concrete mixing plants with pre-mixer, Readymesh PS can be added directly into the mixer drum or alternatively on the conveyor belt of the aggregates. Add the product, at the desired dosage, only after you have loaded the aggregates in the mixer. It is also possible to add it directly to the fibres in the mixer truck drum, after the same has been loaded with the other components of the concrete. Mix, with the drum of the mixer truck at full speed, for at least one minute for each m³ of concrete. The dosage, depending on use, is normally included between 1 to 6 kg/m³ The recommended dosage for most structural applications is 3 kg/m³. For information only (to be verified by preliminary tests): > industrial concrete floors: 2.5 - 5 kg / m³; > screeds in wet earth: 1 - 3 kg / m³; > prefabricated elements: 3 - 6 kg / m³. The replacement of the traditional steel reinforcement by the addition of the certified structural fibres Readymesh PS can occur only with the approval of the structural engineer in charge. Do not introduce the fibres in truck mixer until you have loaded at least 40% of the aggregates!
Number of filmanets
Auto-ignition temperature
ASTM D 1929
Softening point
Variable according to the type of work to be carried out (screeds, floors, spritz beton), on average from 1 to 6 kg per cubic metre of cement conglomerate.