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Rinfor Grout Col

Ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced micro-concrete

Rinfor Grout Col is a special cementitious formulation, being fibre-reinforced with READYMESH technology, enriched with reactive microsilicates with very high pozzolanic activity and special crystalliser additives that increase the end result and the durability. Mixed with water, it is able to forge micro-concretes with pourable rheology. Once hardened, the product offers exceptional physical-mechanical and ductility values. Ideal for the reinforcement and seismic adaptation of flooring in reinforced concrete, brick-concrete or corrugated sheeting or wood, by constructing a thin extradoxal structural screed along with beams, pillars, structural crosspoints and walls, by means of suitable liners.
Customs code
3824 5090

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    Obtained Certifications and Regulations
    EN 1504-6EN 1504-3UNI PdR 88:2020
    Lines of belonging
    Linea prodotto Building
    Linea prodotto Floor
    Linea prodotto Infratech
    Features and benefits
    Where it is used
    How to use
    Technical data
    Warnings and precautions

    Rinfor Grout Col

    The rheological and physical-mechanical characteristics of the Rinfor Grout Col product render it extraordinarily effective in reinforcing structural elements in reinforced concrete and masonry. Adhered to the inside of caissons, confined within cavities or spread out over the extrados of foundations and lofts, Rinfor Grout Col allows for low thickness structural reinforcing, substantially devoid of additional metallic reinforcement. Rinfor Grout Col belongs to the HPFRC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete) family, permitting the structural designer to make use of the following characteristics: - Exceptional resistance and traction as well as exceptional values of shear stress adhesion on various supports which have been suitably roughened; - advantages in structural calculations prescribed for fracture mechanics, resistance to traction and of the ultimate material deformation; - minimum thicknesses applied with reinforcing effects which have been distinctly improved as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete; - highly notable reduction of mass and minimizing of additional loads applied for structural reinforcing as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete (practically nil additional loads in the case of the thickness of the coating corresponding with the depth of sacrificed surface); - anti-carbonatation barrier (practically zero penetration of CO2) and anti-oxidant barrier; - auto-healing of any micro-fissures exposed to contact with fluids, thanks to the particular crystallising additives; - increment of durability of the structures repaired with Rinfor Grout Col, thanks to the migration effect of the crystallising additives; - very high resistance to fire; - eco-sustainability - made up of 100% mineral and metallic materials, totally recyclable at end of life. From the environmental point of view, the Rinfor Grout Col product is characterised by the following advantages: - Ecological packaging (card-cardboard) - product based on hydraulic binders, selected aggregates and mineral additives with content of organic raw materials < 1% - practically nil VOC emissions during installation; once hardened, nil VOC emissions. - containing a fraction > 5% of sub-products from the production industry 100% recyclable at end of life.

    Fields of application

    - For seismic adaptation with absorption and transfer of pressure or traction during events with elevated dynamic forces (seismic, impacts, deflagration); - for structural reinforcing and seismic upgrading through coating of beams, pillars structural ties, walls; - for reinforcing and seismic upgrading with external, low thickness, structural screed for lofts in reinforced concrete, concrete masonry, corrugated sheeting, wood;
 - for fabrication of light, thin section, structural elements
; - for the repair of flooring with need for resistance against elevated static and dynamic stresses, together with exceptional values of resilience and resistance to impacts; - for reinforcing and precision anchoring of heavy and highly stressed machinery: E.g. wind turbines, turbines, precision machinery, etc.

    Allowed supports
    Stone walls
    Floor screed
    Preparation of supports

    The support must be in good condition, clean, sufficiently coarse, without crumbling parts or dust, pressure washed and saturated with water before application. With concrete, the abrasiveness of the support must be > 3mm; to obtain this level of coarseness, techniques of hydro-scarifying, bush-hammering, mechanical chiselling, sand blasting with large grain may be considered. With the case of surfaces in strongly absorbent brick-work (lofts in brick cement with surfacing of parts in brick) or in the case in which it is impossible to saturate the support with water, contact our technical services to evaluate suitable adhesion primers, such as Syntech Pavisheer or Syntech RGS. Above all, when used as a surface covering of lofts in concrete, or as a repair to industrial flooring, providing anchoring roots by drilling the support is particularly useful for increasing resistance to cuts and adhesion to the support (diameter 18-20 mm, depth 20 mm), and accurately cleaning the surfaces of the holes before spreading the Rinfor Grout Col.

    Mode of use

    With regard to pouring in summer weather (hot, arid, windy) or in winter climates (cold, windy, frigid temperatures around 0C) all the prescriptions and recommendations notified in the STRUCTURAL CONCRETE GUIDE LINES (Ministry of Public Works) are valid. For coating, to reinforce beams structurally, pillars, ties, etc., use reinforced casings given the strong pressure exerted by the product, Use an efficient mixer with vertical axis (or efficient drill with mixing head for mixing a single pack in a bucket). Mix with effective vertical axis mixers for not less than 8-9 minutes.
    For caisson pours, aid the filling process with light tapping with a rubber hammer on the caissons.
    For pours in lofts, help the spreading and levelling with spreaders and cover the casts as soon as possible with waterproof canvas or with anti-evaporation coverings such as QL Nano Lithium.

    Application methods
    Pour out
    Tool cleaning
    Key features
    Density: 2420 kg/m³
    Maximum diameter of aggregate
    Maximum diameter of aggregate: 2 mm
    Mix with water
    Mix with water: 10 - 12 %
    Pot-life: 50 - 75 min
    Shelf-life: 12 months
    Temperature of use
    Temperature of use: + 5 / + 35 °C
    Use wearing protective gloves
    Use wearing protective gloves
    Technical specifications

    Compressive strength at 2 days
    UNI EN 12190

    > 65 N/mm²

    Compressive strength after 7 days
    UNI EN 12190

    > 90 MPa

    Compressive strength after 28 days
    UNI EN 12190

    130 N/mm²

    Flexural strength after 7 days
    UNI EN 196/1

    > 20 MPa

    Flexural strength after 28 days
    UNI EN 196/1

    > 27 N/mm²

    Compressive strength
    UNI EN 12390-3

    C 90/105

    Breaking load longitudinal
    UNI 6135

    > 7 N/mm²

    Measuring the flexural tensile strength (limit of proportionality, residual) fr1k (gap opening 0.5 mm)
    UNI EN 14651

    9.0 N/mm²

    Measuring the flexural tensile strength (limit of proportionality, residual) fr3k (gap opening 2.5 mm)
    UNI EN 14651

    6.7 N/mm²

    fr3k / fr1k ratio
    UNI EN 14651


    Toughness class EN 14651
    UNI EN 14651


    Shear strength
    metodo del cuneo a 45°

    > 16 N/mm²

    Adhesion to substrate
    UNI EN 1542

    > 3 N/mm²

    Access for traffic light
    a 20 °C

    24 h

    Access with maximum stress

    3 day

    Thermal conductivity
    UNI EN 12664

    0.85 W/mK

    Static elastic modulus
    EN 13412

    38 GPa

    a 20 °C

    8-12 h

    Water penetration depth

    < 0.5 mm

    Removal of formworks

    24-48 h

    Endogenous withdrawal

    < 0.05 %

    Free-phase withdrawal/expansion
    T 20 °C e U.R. 50%


    By-product recycled material content
    UNI PdR 88:2020

    ≥ 3.2 %
    Resistant to sulphates
    Resistant to chemical agents
    Resistant to freezing/thawing cycles in the presence of salts/chlorides

    Approximately 22 kg/m² of Rinfor Grout Col for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2200 kg per cubic metre).

    Available colors
    Packaging and dimensions
    Bag 25 kg
    Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
    Storage and conservation
    Inadequate storage of the product may result in a loss of rheological performance.
    The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.
    Any technical and performance data reported is the result of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment and thus may be subject to modification in relation to the actual conditions of implementation.

    Azichem Srl does not assume any liability arising from inadequate characteristics related to improper use of the product or connected to defects arising from factors or elements unrelated to the quality of the product, including improper storage.
    Those wishing to utilise the product are required to determine prior to use whether or not the same is suitable for the intended use, assuming all consequent responsibility.

    The technical and characteristic details contained in this data sheet shall be updated periodically. For consultation in real time, please visit the website: www.azichem.com. The date of revision is indicated in the space to the side. The current edition cancels out and replaces any previous version.

    Please note that the user is required to read the latest Safety Data Sheet for this product, containing chemical-physical and toxicological data, risk phrases and other information regarding the safe transport, use and disposal of the product and its packaging. For consultation, please visit: www.azichem.com.
    It is forbidden to dispose of the product and/or packaging in the environment.

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