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Adhesive - Hydraulic lime-based thermal skim coat

Single-component adhesive-skim coat based on hydraulic lime, special flexible polymers, rheological additives, water retainers, microsilicates with pozzolanic activity, spherical aggregates with low specific weight. To be used for leveling skims on various substrates, light gluing and as skim coat/adhesive for our special SANATEX membrane (on thermal bridges, damp and/or damaged masonry).
Customs code
3824 5090

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    SANAKOLL is a low specific weight, low modulus of elasticity and highly breathable adhesive-skim coat. Its thermal conductivity value, < 0.2 W/mk, allows SANAKOLL to be classified in the family of thermal mortars in category T2, according to UNI EN 998/1. Its high breathability, combined with very low capillary absorption values, allows the transmission of water vapor and at the same time, thanks to special additives contained in the formula, counteracts the passage of liquid water. Its high adhesion on different types of substrates makes it the ideal skim coat/adhesive for the SANATEX membrane. The SANAKOLL-SANATEX system is used on thermal bridges, damp masonry, damaged supports, precisely by virtue of the physical-mechanical performance of the system. The smoothness of the product and its low specific weight, obtained with correct mixing with water, allows smooth, easy and fast application. SANAKOLL is a very versatile product that is also excellent for smoothing, leveling and gluing light cork elements or wood-magnesite panels.

    Fields of application

    Fine-grain smoothing of lime or lime-cement based plasters and mortars. Regularization of plastered masonry up to a thickness of 5 mm applied in a single coat. Smoothing of concrete walls. Smoothing of stone elements, bricks, hollow blocks and other brick products. Adhesive-skim coat for the installation of the special SANATEX membrane, used in cold masonry (thermal bridges), in order to raise the dew point temperature of the surfaces, and in damp masonry, affected by capillary rising damp. Bonding of wood-magnesite panels, cork panels and other types of ecological modular panels, in the construction of "natural coats" (internal and external). Bonding of small-sized, medium-absorbent, non-clinkered, porous tiles and tiles on both internal and external floors and walls.

    Allowed supports
    Cement-based or lime-based mortars
    Floor screed
    SANATEX membrane
    Wood-magnesite panels
    Preparation of supports

    The application supports must be free from dirt, dust, loose parts, etc.; pre-existing paints (washable, organic, solvent-based, etc.) must be removed. It is always advisable to operate on the application support with suitable mechanical methods capable of slightly roughening the surface, up to degrees from 3 to 5 of the ICRI methodology. Wash the surfaces with pressurized water to completely remove the dust and moisten the dry substrates immediately before applying SANAKOLL.

    Mode of use

    Gradually pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer. Gradually add Sanakoll and the remaining water, continuing to mix until all lumps have been eliminated. The total percentage of mixing water is between 28% and 30% (from 7 to 7.5 liters for each 25 kg bag).

    The methods of use differ according to the specific intended use.

    For bonding on ordinary, absorbent substrates, indoors and outdoors, spread the product with a notched trowel in continuous layers, of suitable thickness, and then apply the elements to be installed (SANATEX membrane, panels, etc.), in the manner appropriate and usual, exerting the necessary pressure to promote adherence.

    For smoothing smoothing it is always advisable to apply two coats, waiting at least 8 hours and no more than 48 hours between the first and second coat. In particularly arid or windy climates, slightly wet the surfaces between the first and second coat. Finish the surfaces with a blade or a trowel according to the desired effect. In arid, windy or very hot conditions, it is advisable to moisten the surface of the Sanakoll applied for the first 48 hours with light and repeated nebulisations of water.

    Respect the minimum and maximum application temperatures. In summer, apply Sanakoll on shady supports, avoiding the hottest hours of the day. Do not apply when temperatures > 30° C are expected in the first 12 hours of maturation. In winter, do not apply the product when temperatures below 5° are expected in the first 12 hours of maturation. Do not apply when temperatures below 0°C are expected in the first 24 hours of curing.

    Application methods
    Finishing trowel
    Notched finishing trowel
    Tool cleaning
    Key features
    Maximum diameter of aggregate
    Maximum diameter of aggregate: 0.5 mm
    Mix with water
    Mix with water: 25-30 %
    Pot-life: 60 - 75 min
    Shelf-life: 12 months
    Temperature of use
    Temperature of use: +5 / +30 ยฐC
    Technical specifications

    Capillary absorption
    EN 1015-18


    Thermal conductivity
    EN 1745

    < 0.2 W/mK

    Bonding force
    UNI EN 1015-12

    0.8 N/mmยฒ

    UNI EN 1015-6

    1380 kg/mยณ

    EN 1015-19

    12 ฮผ

    Compressive strength after 28 days
    EN 1015-11

    5 N/mmยฒ

    Flexural strength after 28 days
    EN 1015-11

    3 N/mmยฒ

    •   1.1 kg/m2 x mm of thickness.
    •   Bonding of the Sanatex membrane, approximately 4 kg/m2
    •   Smoothing on Sanatex membrane, approximately 2 kg/m2

    Available colors
    Light gray
    Packaging and dimensions
    Bag 25 kg
    Storage and conservation
    Store the product in its original packing, in a fresh and dry environment, avoiding frost and direct sunlight.
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    Protect fresh surfaces from direct insolation, rain and wind, take care of damp, prolonged curing. Preliminarily ascertain the existence of the indispensable mechanical resistance of the substrate.

    The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.
    Any technical and performance data reported is the result of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment and thus may be subject to modification in relation to the actual conditions of implementation.

    Azichem Srl does not assume any liability arising from inadequate characteristics related to improper use of the product or connected to defects arising from factors or elements unrelated to the quality of the product, including improper storage.
    Those wishing to utilise the product are required to determine prior to use whether or not the same is suitable for the intended use, assuming all consequent responsibility.

    The technical and characteristic details contained in this data sheet shall be updated periodically. For consultation in real time, please visit the website: The date of revision is indicated in the space to the side. The current edition cancels out and replaces any previous version.

    Please note that the user is required to read the latest Safety Data Sheet for this product, containing chemical-physical and toxicological data, risk phrases and other information regarding the safe transport, use and disposal of the product and its packaging. For consultation, please visit:
    It is forbidden to dispose of the product and/or packaging in the environment.
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