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Syntech Pavicar

Elastic, self-levelling, waterproofing polyurethane coating

Two-component coating based on epoxy and polyurethane resins; for the coating, waterproofing and elastic protection of roofs, terraces, pavements, stairs, car parks and surfaces that are cracked or subject to micro-cracks and crazing.
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    Obtained Certifications and Regulations
    EN 1504-2
    Lines of belonging
    Linea prodotto Aqua
    Linea prodotto Floor
    Linea prodotto Infratech
    Features and benefits
    Where it is used
    How to use
    Technical data
    Warnings and precautions

    Syntech Pavicar

    • High wear resistance
    • Applicable on tarred surfaces and bituminous sheaths
    • Walkable product suitable for covering and waterproofing flat roofs
    • Ease and speed of application with quick intervention times
    • Soft and velvety to the touch
    • Elastic product resistant to dynamic stress
    • Available in two colors

    Fields of application
    • Waterproof coating of concrete, ceramic, porcelain stoneware, wood, sheet metal supports, tarred supports and bituminous sheaths, suitably primed.
    • Creation of elastic and waterproof protections for multi-level parking areas, both internal and external.
    • Ideal for waterproofing cycles of balconies, roofs and terraces as it does not require preliminary demolition work or replacement of coverings. Its application allows the creation of a continuous, elastic and waterproof layer resistant to wear and trampling.

    Allowed supports
    Prefabricated concrete
    Bitumen waterproofing membranes
    Floor screed
    Porous stone
    Preparation of supports

    Moisture-free concrete surfaces
    The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating. In case of restoration, first use mortars and products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line suitable for the purpose. Wait for the drying times before applying the next coating. The tensile strength of the support must not be less than 1.5 N/mm². Any existing paintwork, coatings or paints, residues of cement laitance, release agents, greases, silicones, etc. they can be removed mechanically by sanding with a single-brush sander, sandblasting, hydro-sandblasting or chemical removal, treating the support with DETERG A (diluted in water 1:10) left to act until the reaction is complete, then rinsing with water. Wait until the floor is dry before proceeding with the application of SYNTECH PAVICAR. The application surface must in any case be dry and free of humidity.

    Cracks and fissures
    In the case of static cracks, for sealing use the GROUT CABLE structural grout or mortars from the FLOOR line, or epoxy products such as SYNTECH PRIMER EP-W or SYNTECH AS 21. The sealing of dynamic cracks or cracks larger than > 4-5 mm must be evaluated on site. They can generally be grouted using elastomeric materials or worked as movement joints.

    Localized grouting and restoration
    Any holes, deficiencies, repairs of portions of concrete can be carried out by applying our mortars from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. Any small filling of holes and gaps can be carried out by applying SYNTECH AS 21 epoxy mortar.

    Creation of coves between horizontal and vertical joints
    Create a connection shell at the horizontal-vertical joint points, at the technical and service points, using OSMOCEM SCK osmotic cement mortar, for a height of approximately 5 cm.

    Resin coatings
    The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, etc. Sand the surface by mechanical sanding with diamond discs and dust extraction.

    Tarred surfaces or with bituminous sheaths
    The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating. Any existing paint, coating or varnish must be removed by sandblasting, hydroscarifying, mechanical removal or scraping. Surfaces tarred or covered with bituminous sheaths must first be treated by applying OSMOCEM N osmotic grout mixed with an aqueous emulsion composed of one part by weight of water and one part by weight of BOND PLUS latex. Wait 48 hours after installing the waterproofing grout (depending on the season), then proceed with the application of the SYNTECH PAVICAR elastic waterproofing system.

    Primer on concrete
    On the adequately prepared support, apply a coat of  SYNTECH PRIMER EP-S as a gripping primer, using a brush or medium-haired roller, taking care to saturate the entire surface to be treated. Wait 12-24 hours before applying the finish.

    Mode of use

    Support humidity control
    Before installing resin systems and coatings, always check the residual humidity content of the support. Check for the presence of residual humidity using the plastic sheet method according to the ASTM D 4263 standard: fix a heavy polyethylene sheet with a size of at least 45x45 cm to the support with adhesive tape. 24 hours after its installation, lift the sheet and check for signs of humidity.
    If testing with a carbide hygrometer, the moisture content of the substrate must be < 4% by weight.
    In case of residual humidity, apply two or more layers of SYNTECH PAVIDAMP three-component epoxy primer.

    Thoroughly homogenize the individual components inside their container for at least 30 seconds by manual or mechanized stirring, taking care to use a clean tool free of potentially polluting substances. Combine the two components in the indicated mixing ratio. Add component B (hardener) into component A (base) and mix carefully until the product is completely homogenized. It is recommended to start mixing the components briefly using an electric drill at low speed and then intensify the stirring up to a maximum of 300 rpm. Avoid mixing times that are too long in order to limit the quantity of air incorporated into the product.

    On the adequately prepared support, pour SYNTECH PAVICAR onto the floor, distributing it evenly and homogeneously using a notched trowel, taking care to create a constant thickness and a continuous and coplanar surface. It is advisable to pass the bubble-breaking roller over the fresh product in order to eliminate any air bubbles created during the application phase of the self-levelling product. The correct action of the bubble-breaking roller allows for easy distribution of the product and avoids the formation of micro-holes which can jeopardize the uniformity and waterproofness of the coating. Once hardened, generally 24 hours after the first coat, apply a second layer of SYNTECH PAVICAR using a notched trowel or short-haired roller.

    12-24 hours after completing the installation of the elastic waterproofing coating, apply a layer of solvent-based polyurethane finish SYNTECH PAVICROM PU. To obtain a uniform finish it is recommended to always keep one side fresh during the painting phases. The application of different thicknesses, for example due to the overlapping of different rolls, can lead to a difference in the final gloss.

    Application methods
    Paint roller
    Notched finishing trowel
    Tool cleaning
    Syntech Diluente Epoxy
    Key features
    Density: 1.38 kg/l
    Pot-life: 60 min
    Shelf-life: 12 months
    Temperature of use
    Temperature of use: +10 / +35 ยฐC
    To be applied in two coats
    To be applied in two coats
    Use wearing protective glasses
    Use wearing protective glasses
    Use wearing protective gloves
    Use wearing protective gloves
    Technical specifications

    Taber abrasion resistance expressed as weight loss in grams (H22 wheel - 1000 g - 1000 rpm)
    EN ISO 5470-1

    < 3000 mg

    Time before second coat at 20ยฐC

    12 h

    < 500 g/l

    Touch hardening at 20ยฐC

    12 h

    Impact resistance
    EN ISO 6272-1

    Class I > 4 Nm

    Capillary absorption
    EN 1062-3

    < 0.014

    Permeability to CO2
    EN 1062-6

    Sd > 450 m

    Dry residue

    97 %

    EN ISO 2813

    60 Gloss

    Permeability to water vapor
    EN ISO 7783-1

    Sd > 50 m

    Working temperature

    -20 / +70 ยฐC

    Adhesion by direct traction
    EN 1542

    โ‰ฅ 3.5 N/mmยฒ

    Brookfield ASTM D 2196

    31.500 ยฑ 1500 mPas

    Resistance to severe chemical attacks
    EN 13529

    See table %

    Complete hardening at 20ยฐC

    7 day

    Approximately 2.0 kg of Syntech Pavicar for each square meter of surface to be covered, in two coats.

    Available colors
    Agate grey
    Copper brown
    Packaging and dimensions
    Can 4.17 kg [A]
    Can 0.83 kg [B]
    Kit: 1 Can 4.17 kg [A] + 1 Can 0.83 kg [B]
    Can 8.3 kg [A]
    Can 1.7 kg [B]
    Can 16.7 kg [A]
    Can 3.3 kg [B]
    Kit: 1 Can 8.3 kg [A] + 1 Can 1.7 kg [B]
    Kit: 1 Can 16.7 kg [A] + 1 Can 3.3 kg [B]
    Storage and conservation
    Protect from freezing.

    • Do not apply on surfaces that are not adequately prepared and primed.

    • Do not apply on dusty, weak, unstable and poorly cohesive supports.

    • Do not use for sealing cracks and dynamic crazing.

    • Protect the product from water and atmospheric agents for the first 24 hours after its application.

    • If overlapping times are greater than 72 hours, it is necessary to sand or carry out light sandblasting (sweep-blasting) of the surface before proceeding with the application of the next coat to ensure optimal adhesion.

    • Respect the mixing ratios, consumption and overapplication times indicated.

    The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.
    Any technical and performance data reported is the result of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment and thus may be subject to modification in relation to the actual conditions of implementation.

    Azichem Srl does not assume any liability arising from inadequate characteristics related to improper use of the product or connected to defects arising from factors or elements unrelated to the quality of the product, including improper storage.
    Those wishing to utilise the product are required to determine prior to use whether or not the same is suitable for the intended use, assuming all consequent responsibility.

    The technical and characteristic details contained in this data sheet shall be updated periodically. For consultation in real time, please visit the website: The date of revision is indicated in the space to the side. The current edition cancels out and replaces any previous version.

    Please note that the user is required to read the latest Safety Data Sheet for this product, containing chemical-physical and toxicological data, risk phrases and other information regarding the safe transport, use and disposal of the product and its packaging. For consultation, please visit:
    It is forbidden to dispose of the product and/or packaging in the environment.
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