Assorbimento di sostanze acquose e sostanze oleose nel caso di sversamenti accidentali. Impacchi emollienti e desalinizzanti per facilitare la rimozione di croste nere e di
elementi dannosi per le murature, come per esempio sali solfati, sali cloruri, sali nitrati, metalli pesanti e molecole organiche. Impacchi desalinizzanti su murature affette da umidità di risalita. Assorbimento di liquidi che sviluppano gas odorosi (ammoniaca, acido solfidrico) con relativo abbattimento delle sostanze organiche volatili. Pulizia di superfici assorbenti in genere. L’efficacia del prodotto e la profondità dell’azione desalinizzante è variabile a seconda della tipologia e del grado di contaminazione del substrato. Il prodotto perde la sua efficacia non può su superfici trattate con materiale idrorepellente o impermeabilizzante, che impediscono l’azione di scambio alla base dell’estrazione.
Remove inconsistent surface deposits on the surface to be treated by manual brushing. Eliminate any salt efflorescence and dust deposits, in order to prepare the surface for the extraction of soluble salts. The action of the product can be improved by spraying deionized water before application, waiting approximately 15 minutes for the water to penetrate the pores of the support before applying the compound.
In natural dry form
On accidental spills, apply Zeosana powder directly to wet surfaces and leave to act for at least 120 minutes.
In compress form
Pre-mix the mixture approximately 8 hours before application with demineralised water in the following proportions:
• 1 part by weight of powder
• 1 or 1.2 parts by weight of demineralised water until obtaining a pasty consistency similar to soft putty.
Before application, remix the paste with a slight addition of demineralised water. Spread the paste on the surfaces to be decontaminated, applying a thickness of approximately 10 mm and cover the pack with a light waterproof sheet for at least 12 hours. Remove the waterproof sheet and leave to dry until the batter detaches naturally from the support. Repeat the operation in the case of heavily contaminated surfaces. The application time is typically 24-48 hours, but can vary depending on the type and degree of contamination of the substrate. To optimize application times, it is advisable to carry out tests on the surface to be treated by spreading the compress and checking the effectiveness curve of the product using conductometric measurements on the saline solution extracted from compress samples taken at established time intervals. This analysis can be performed according to the extraction method described in the UNI EN 16455:2014 standard "Conservation of cultural heritage - Dissolution and determination of soluble salts in natural stones and related materials in use and originating from cultural heritage."
Passing through the 100 ยต sieve
Apparent density
Water absorption by weight
Vegetable oil absorption by weight
In dry form: as needed
In compress form: approximately 900 to 1800 gr/m2