The Network

The project to give space to our working group.

What is a network?

Token individually, an ant or a neuron is not particularly intelligent ... however, if a large enough number of such simple elements interact and self-organize, a unified, complex and intelligent collective behavior can be activated.

If this behavior also has adaptive value, we are dealing with an emergent phenomenon: "a colony of ants or our brains."

In the modern era the word Network is used to actualize certain concepts such as lobbying, or associationism, thus emphasizing the ultimate purpose of this tool, which is to be together, to be part of a group.

Globalization and the Web

Globalization, the Word Wide Web, the overcoming of traditional space-time barriers, and the acceleration and intensification of communications are factors that constitute formidable opportunities for those who know how to exploit them. Otherwise, the risk for a company or a professional who have not yet understood their strategic importance or have little time to devote to study them, is to remain in their own backyard, self-limiting the opportunity to take advantage of this new level of global communication.

The network creates value of a horizontal type, it has no verticalization or hierarchy, it is based on collaborations and sharing as equals, among equals. By its nature, it has no legal form, is established on a voluntary basis, and represents an extraordinary opportunity for those who are part of it.

The online network

The online network lives and works with the spontaneous contribution of participants. It is a kind of virtual showcase in which the participant himself decides what and how to propose the "product himself" and studies, compares and exploits the "products of others." A simple and wonderfully effective little game when used for what it represents and not crippled in para-legal societies. The concept of the network-on-line, small group to belong to and have a closer exchange with, aware all the members of the impossibility of ever knowing everything and therefore necessarily obliged to appeal to others, to the knowledge of others and to their abilities, exploits precisely the group sharing.

The online network needs, however, a constant active engagement on the part of the participants because if it is not constantly fed, it dies. A website, a portal, any stationary web interface is as if it did not exist.

The laws of Sarnoff, Metcalfe and Reed

Sarnoff, Metcalfe and Reed (illustrious researchers in the field of communications) are the names of three laws that define the value of a network with reference to the number of connections. Sarnoff's law states that the value of a broadcasting network (dissemination of radio and television programs) is directly proportional to the number of users. The more people connected, the greater the value of the network. Value: linear.

Metcalfe's law indicates that the value of a communication system grows with the square of the number of people connected. With reference to the Internet, it can be formulated as follows: the value of a network, where each node can connect to another, grows with the square of the number of nodes. Therefore the connection of independent networks creates a higher value than the sum of the values of the individual networks. Value: quadratic.

The Reed law establishes that the value of a network, the Internet in particular, grows exponentially if associated with groups with common interests, who share ideas, interests, objectives and who have a sense of belonging. Value: exponential. The Network follows Reed's law. is our Network project!

Agents, dealers, trusted resellers, qualified applicators and specialized companies, all in some way "linked" to Azichem who, maintaining their singularity unchanged, come together as a group to give strength to themselves and at the same time to all the members of the group.

The aggregation of multiple subjects will create an amplification of the visibility and indexing of each of the components (each site is linked to the others, creating a beneficial multiplication of the availability of each participant in the network) . All through visual communication and usability in step with the times based on the most cutting-edge Internet technologies.

It has been demonstrated that indexing on search engines is achieved by having a site that is continuously updated and with periodic publication of new content.

It is also true that the user is intrigued by sites that are evolving and publish content regularly. Very few website owners currently have the time, resources and ideas to do these things. Very often, once created and put online, sites remain completely inactive with a counterproductive effect in terms of reputation! A site whose contents are months or even years old inevitably conveys a bad image to the end user! Furthermore, the updating activities do not stop at the news, there are all the technical data sheets of the products to be kept updated, the attachments, catalogues, price lists, etc.
Another sore point is the compilation of references, which in our sector they are important to show the end user what it has been possible to achieve with our products. In short, all this would require a considerable organizational effort and above all time to invest.

With all these problems now belong to the past!

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