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Protech Rooftop

Elastomeric protective and waterproofing coating

Protective and waterproofing liquid coating, single-component, coloured, based on special elastomeric polymers in aqueous emulsion, suitable for the waterproof protection of flat roofs, pitched roofs, attics, walkable terraces, old bituminous coverings and external areas subject to atmospheric agents. The product is resistant to UV rays and water stagnation. It can be advantageously used as an elastomeric paint for the protection of concrete infrastructures and cementitious supports in general.
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    Obtained Certifications and Regulations
    EN 1504-2
    Lines of belonging
    Linea prodotto Aqua
    Linea prodotto Building
    Features and benefits
    Where it is used
    How to use
    Technical data
    Warnings and precautions

    Protech Rooftop

    • Quick and easy application, even on large surfaces
    • Ready-to-use single-component, extremely elastic with good mechanical resistance
    • Exceptional resistance to atmospheric agents, both in mountain conditions and in marine or industrial environments
    • The elastic properties allow the creation of a protective coating that compensates for the expansion and micro-cracks of the supports subject to vibrations or settlements.
    • It protects the artefacts from carbonation and degradation caused by carbon dioxide and other acidic substances present in the atmosphere, while at the same time giving a pleasant aesthetic effect and greater durability.

    Fields of application
    • Waterproofing of flat roofs, pitched roofs, floors, concrete and reinforced concrete slabs
    • Waterproofing and repair of old smooth or slated bituminous coverings
    • Waterproofing of roofs made of galvanized sheets, pre-painted sheets, PVC sheets, fiber cement sheets, wooden or brick floors
    • Elastic protection of concrete and cement infrastructures in general
    • Anti-carbonation protection for greater durability of the product
    • Creation of waterproof protective coatings without joints or fittings even on large external surfaces, which can occasionally be walked on for maintenance work
    • Applicable inside concrete pipes and prefabricated concrete elements for the elastic and waterproof protection of joints and male and female joints

    Allowed supports
    Cement-based or lime-based mortars
    Prefabricated concrete
    Bitumen waterproofing membranes
    Floor screed
    Preparation of supports

    The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the waterproofing coating. Repair and restore any degraded or missing parts, appropriately leveling the bottom support. Check the adequacy of the slopes and rainwater collection and canalization systems. The application of the product must be carried out on a dry support. Check the absence of any rising humidity and/or negative pressures of water which could generate vapor tension between the support and the elastic waterproofing coating, favoring the formation of bubbles or detachment. Any structural joints must be waterproofed with suitable systems before installing the elastic waterproof covering.
    Before installing elastic waterproofing systems and coatings on horizontal surfaces, always check the residual humidity content.
    Check for the presence of residual humidity using the plastic sheet method according to the ASTM D 4263 standard: fix a heavy polyethylene sheet with a size of at least 45x45 cm to the support with adhesive tape. 24 hours after its installation, lift the sheet and check for signs of humidity. If testing with a carbide hygrometer, the moisture content of the substrate must be < 4%.

    Mode of use

    Mixing: carefully homogenize the product by manually shaking the container before use or mechanically, taking care to use a clean tool free of potentially polluting substances. Depending on the application method and depending on the absorption of the support, it is possible to dilute the product with a maximum of 10-15% by weight of clean water. The dilution must be carried out under mechanical stirring by adding the necessary quantity of water after having homogenized the product in the container.

    Concrete and cement supports
    On the adequately prepared support, apply two or more coats of PROTECH ROOFTOP, taking care to respect the indicated consumption and thickness. In order to guarantee an adequate thickness of the waterproofing system, it is recommended to insert the ARMA TNT non-woven fabric during the application phase, taking care to cover it completely with the waterproofing in order to increase the resistance to the stresses and cracks to which the system is subjected. Apply a first coat of PROTECH ROOFTOP, then lay ARMA TNT by compressing it with the aid of a metal roller, a trowel or a smooth spatula, checking that the non-woven fabric is completely embedded in the membrane and ensuring perfect wetting.
    Wait for the first layer of applied product to dry completely, then proceed with the application of the second coat, evenly, crossing the direction of application, to completely cover the non-woven fabric. The overlaps of the fabric at the connection points in the longitudinal and transversal direction must be carried out by making an overlap between the sheets of no less than 5 cm. In case of rain between the application of the first and second coat, let the non-woven fabric dry completely before applying the second layer. The ARMABAND TNT strip can be used advantageously in the overlaps between the wall and the floor or in critical points. Drying times are influenced by the environmental temperature and humidity conditions existing at the end of the installation of the waterproofing system.

    Old bituminous coverings
    The application on old bituminous coverings can be carried out on oxidized surfaces that have been seasoned for at least 6 months. Mechanically remove any overflows, bubbles, thick and coarse overlaps, folds and parts not perfectly anchored to the base support. Remove any weak, cracked paintwork that is not perfectly anchored to the bituminous membrane. Any edges, corners and areas detached and raised from the support must be restored and appropriately anchored to the support. Apply two or more coats of PROTECH ROOFTOP, taking care to respect the indicated consumption and thicknesses, reinforcing the covering with ARMA TNT non-woven fabric.

    Galvanized or pre-painted sheets
    The application on pre-painted sheets can be carried out directly with PROTECH ROOOFTOP, after checking that all areas subject to movement, overlaps or any critical points have been appropriately sealed. We recommend applying the waterproofing in two coats, reinforcing the covering with ARMA TNT non-woven fabric. If the support appears rusty or due to application on galvanized sheet metal, remove the oxidation by sanding or sandblasting, then proceed to apply a coat of SYNTECH PRIMER METAL. Wait for the primer to dry completely, then proceed with the application of the elastic waterproofing coating.

    Concrete and cement supports
    On the adequately prepared support, apply two or more coats of PROTECH ROOFTOP, taking care to respect the indicated consumption and thickness.
    Treat surfaces that are particularly absorbent or have strong differences in absorption or are slightly chalky beforehand with PROTECH FIX AC acrylic primer, or with the suitably diluted SYNTECH PAVISHEER epoxy consolidating primer.
    Apply the first coat of PROTECH ROOFTOP diluted with 15% max by weight of clean water, for roller or brush applications; 25% max by weight for spray applications. The dilution must be carried out under mechanical stirring by adding the necessary quantity of water. Wait at least 12 hours, then apply the second coat of finish diluted with 10% max by weight of clean water for roller or brush applications; 20% max in weight for spray applications, taking care to respect the indicated consumption and thicknesses.

    Application methods
    Low pressure airless nebulizer
    Paint roller
    Tool cleaning
    Key features
    Density: ~ 1.50 ยฑ 0.05 kg/l
    Shelf-life: 12 months
    Temperature of use
    Temperature of use: +5 / +35 ยฐC
    To be applied in two coats
    To be applied in two coats
    Technical specifications

    Adhesion by direct traction
    EN 1542

    โ‰ฅ 0.8 N/mmยฒ

    Extension break longitudinal
    ISO 527-1

    > 100 %

    VOC content
    Direttiva 2004/42/CE

    < 140 g/l

    Dry residue

    47 ยฑ 1 %

    Adhesion after freeze-thaw cycles
    EN 13687-3

    โ‰ฅ 0.8 N/mmยฒ

    Capillary absorption
    EN 1062-3

    w = 0.014 ยฑ 0.001

    Working temperature

    -10 / +70 ยฐC

    Permeability to CO2
    EN 1062-6

    Sd = 499 m

    Brookfield ASTM D 2196

    5.000 ยฑ 1.000 cP

    Maximum relative humidity

    +80 %

    Reaction to fire
    EN 13501-1

    Classe E

    Complete hardening at 20ยฐC

    7 day

    Exposure to artificial weathering-2000 hours
    UVA EN 1062-11


    Dust-free time at 20ยฐC

    4 - 6 h

    Permeability to water vapor
    EN ISO 7783-1

    Sd < 3.5 m

    Touch hardening at 20ยฐC

    6 - 8 h

    As waterproofing ~ 2 kg/m2 per mm of thickness
    As an elastomeric protective paint 0.15-0.2 kg/m2 per coat (apply two coats)

    Available colors
    Packaging and dimensions
    Can 5 kg
    Can 20 kg
    Storage and conservation
    Store the product in its original packing, in a fresh and dry environment, avoiding frost and direct sunlight.
    The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.
    Any technical and performance data reported is the result of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment and thus may be subject to modification in relation to the actual conditions of implementation.

    Azichem Srl does not assume any liability arising from inadequate characteristics related to improper use of the product or connected to defects arising from factors or elements unrelated to the quality of the product, including improper storage.
    Those wishing to utilise the product are required to determine prior to use whether or not the same is suitable for the intended use, assuming all consequent responsibility.

    The technical and characteristic details contained in this data sheet shall be updated periodically. For consultation in real time, please visit the website: The date of revision is indicated in the space to the side. The current edition cancels out and replaces any previous version.

    Please note that the user is required to read the latest Safety Data Sheet for this product, containing chemical-physical and toxicological data, risk phrases and other information regarding the safe transport, use and disposal of the product and its packaging. For consultation, please visit:
    It is forbidden to dispose of the product and/or packaging in the environment.
    Technical Documentation

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